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CBD Product Verification By Dr. Leah Zachar

Verify your product – Special CBD product verification done by our medical adviser, Dr Leah Zachar, the medical consultant of CBD Testers and one of the leading medical experts in the CBD industry.

The goal of CBD-Testers is to provide our clients with products that will address their specific needs.  In order to do this, our medical and scientific consultant, Dr. Leah Zachar, will communicate with various CBD manufacturers to verify the authenticity of their labeling on the product.  CBD Product Verification will be done to ensure that the product ingredients and mixtures match the product claims.  Specific and detailed questions will be addressed to the product manufacturers to validate the composition of the CBD product, in order to provide a measure of quality control for our customers.

CBD Product Verification is an effective way to get immediate trust for both your company and your products. Since over 70% of all CBD products suffer from mislabeling, the clients are constantly looking for unbiased reviews that could verify the quality of your products and many of them won’t buy without it.

The questions each manufacturer must answer before the product is reviewed are the following:

  1. Please provide us with a certificate of purity with date. 
  2. How much is in each unit dose. 
  3. How much CBD is in the package that is being purchased.
  4. Extraction method used.
  5. What terpenes, if any, are in the product.
  6. What flavor, if any, is in the product. 
  7. Clear way to get through to customer support.
  8. Picture of the label, front and back.
  9. Picture of the product insert.
  10. What other herbs or food supplements are in the product.

About Dr. Leah Zachar:

Dr. Leah Zachar, M.D. is a physician who worked for nearly thirty years in Internal Medicine. She currently is a medical consultant to CBD Testers. Dr. Zachar believes that there is much that medical cannabis, and cannabidiol in particular can offer to traditional medicine.

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