Business Marketing Opinion

CBD & AdWords: A New Era In CBD Marketing

Written by Ofer Shoshani

The latest announcement by Google, approving CBD Products to be included in AdWords paid results is a game changer for companies active in CBD Marketing. This new opportunity opens the ‘until recently prohibited CBD Products‘ to appear in front of AdWords billion users, making CBD accepted by corporate America and thus, by the whole world.

But how important if this announcement? What does it means for UK CBD companies, EU CBD Flower websites or US CBD Oil producers?

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It means the world for them… The difference between a ‘dangerous product’ and ‘food supplement’ is crucial in terms of CBD marketing. While the first is prohibited to use any form of traditional advertising method, such as paid search results, social marketing or even place banners in many websites, as a food supplement, promoting CBD is easy and above all, highly profitable.

That is why, CBD marketers, always looking for new ROI positive opportunities, react in such a positive way for Google’s  announcement that starting next month (May 2018) CBD products will be included in AdWords paid search results, following by other non-THC products.

As a result, starting this summer, all CBD Products, such as CBD OilCBD SoftgelsCBD Flowers, etc. will no longer be included in the list of ‘Dangerous products or services’, but a ‘food supplement’ which falls under a different category, much easier in terms of marketing CBD products.

Experienced online marketers, will now have the ability to bid for best-converting keywords, such as “CBD Oil, “CBD Deals” driving targeted visitors to their trafic-thirsty websites, getting their product on the first page of Google, maintain their reputation, generate leads, drive sales and increase revenue.

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About the author

Ofer Shoshani

Ofer Shoshani is the Founder and Editor-in-chief of Cannadelics.